twisted提供了生产者与消费者系统(producer and consumer),用于处理大流量网络数据流。当你的程序需要产生大量数据同时通过网络输出,或者做类似proxy的功能是,就八成需要用到这个东东了。twisted提供的api封装了很多细节,用起来挺方便的,但要搞清楚还要费一番周折。producer的说明文档在这里:,有够简洁的。

从邮件列表里看到一个例程,这里抄袭之。 <pre class=python name=code> “"”Serve as a sample implementation of a twisted producer/consumer system, with a simple TCP server which asks the user how many random integers they want, and it sends the result set back to the user, one result per line.””” import random

from zope.interface import implements from twisted.internet import interfaces, reactor from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver

class Producer: “"”Send back the requested number of random integers to the client.””” implements(interfaces.IPushProducer) def init(self, proto, cnt): self._proto = proto self._goal = cnt self._produced = 0 self._paused = False

def pauseProducing(self):
    """When we've produced data too fast, pauseProducing() will be
        called (reentrantly from within resumeProducing's transport.write
        method, most likely), so set a flag that causes production to pause
    self._paused = True
    print('pausing connection from %s' %
def resumeProducing(self):
    self._paused = False
    while not self._paused and self._produced < self._goal:
        next_int = random.randint(0, 10000)
        self._proto.transport.write('%d\r\n' % (next_int))
        self._produced += 1
    if self._produced == self._goal:
def stopProducing(self):

class ServeRandom(LineReceiver): “"”Serve up random data.””” def connectionMade(self): print(‘connection made from %s’ % (self.transport.getPeer())) self.transport.write(‘how many random integers do you want?\r\n’) def lineReceived(self, line): cnt = int(line.strip()) producer = Producer(self, cnt) #这里生成一个生产者,产生随机数 self.transport.registerProducer(producer, True) #将消费者与生产者连接起来,socket作为消费者 producer.resumeProducing() def connectionLost(self, reason): print(‘connection lost from %s’ % (self.transport.getPeer()))

factory = Factory() factory.protocol = ServeRandom reactor.listenTCP(1234, factory) print(‘listening on 1234…’) </pre>

当消费者遇到资源瓶颈时,Producer::pauseProducing() 和 Producer::resumeProducing() 这两个函数会被自动调用;如果消费者缓冲区满了,那么就会自动调用pauseProducing(),如果消费者能够继续处理数据,那么就调用resumeProducing()。


Simon Lee

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